OCAA Suspends 2020 Fall Sport Season

OCAA Suspends 2020 Fall Sport Season

he Ontario Colleges Athletic Association (OCAA) and its members announced today the decision to suspend varsity sports and recreation activities planned for the 2020 fall semester at the OCAA's 27 member schools. The decision was made in response to the ongoing COVID-19 global pandemic.


Niagara sports affected by the suspension of the OCAA 2020 varsity sports fall schedule are soccer and golf.


"In collaboration with our members, extensive contingency planning, and aligned with current fall academic delivery models, this is a difficult, but necessary decision in order to protect the health and well-being of all of our student-athletes, coaches, and staff," said OCAA President, Nathan McFadden. "The safety of the entire OCAA membership and our participants is our top priority, but we understand and share the deep disappointment this especially causes for our 4,000 student-athletes. We will get through this, and when we resume competition, the viability of the OCAA will be more important than ever before in uniting both our campuses and communities together in sport."


For the 2021 winter semester, the sports of basketball, volleyball, badminton, curling, and indoor soccer are currently planned to take place, but with reduced schedules. The OCAA will continue to monitor the evolving situation on an ongoing basis and will make decisions based on public health and safety in regards to the well-being of our student-athletes and membership as a whole.



Why is OCAA varsity competition suspended for fall 2020?

First and foremost, the health and safety of the student athletes and everyone involved in varsity and recreational sports is a top priority. All decisions made since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic have been in accordance with government and public health directives, in coordination with sport governing bodies and college senior administrations, and has focused on ensuring the safety and well-being of our student-athletes, coaches, staff and community. Secondly, the majority of OCAA member institutions have decided to adopt a hybrid academic delivery model for the fall semester, thereby greatly minimizing the number of students and staff on campus and limiting access to academic buildings and other associated facilities. The OCAA's decision aligns with colleges' and universities' approach to managing physical distancing and phased return-to-campus plans.


How will a decision on winter 2021 sports be made and will any fall sports be able to be played in spring 2021?

The OCAA will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation on an ongoing basis. While there is continued uncertainty, the OCAA is actively participating in discussions with key stakeholders and working collectively to determine how we can return safely to collegiate sport. A decision on winter 2021 sports will be made during the fall 2020 semester in collaboration with the member institutions and senior administrations, while continuing to follow government and public health directives. The possibility of offering a spring 2021 season for suspended fall 2020 sports will be part of the ongoing discussions.


If the province phases in various levels of sport and events before school starts, will the OCAA reconsider the suspension of varsity athletics for this fall?

No. The decision to suspend varsity athletic competition until January 2021 will not change, as academic delivery models and campus access restrictions for fall 2020 have already been finalized by the member institutions. Information provided by public health and other government recommendations have been and will continue to be considered as part of the OCAA's planning, however, there are many factors involved in coming to this decision that will not be changing.


Are gymnasiums and training facilities closed to all students and student-athletes during this time?

Yes. Currently all Niagara College outdoor and indoor facilities remain closed until further notice.


How will student-athlete eligibility be impacted with this decision?

The OCAA is considering and will be addressing all eligibility-related implications and will work in conjunction with the Canadian Collegiate Athletic Association to determine eligibility status for 2020-21.


I am a student-athlete, how are athletic financial awards affected by this decision?

Niagara College is committed to the academic and athletic success of our student-athletes and will be honouring the athletic scholarships of those student-athletes who have a completed, signed, and fully executed student-athlete letter of intent. This is inclusive of the suspended fall 2020 sports. Student-athletes are still required to meet all OCAA requirements (e.g. full-time status, minimum GPA, etc.) in order to receive their athletic scholarship. 


What will this mean for recruiting, and new student-athletes?

Member institutions are continuing to recruit students to attend their colleges & universities, which includes actively recruiting student-athletes so that we are prepared and ready to compete when varsity sports fully resume. For new students-athletes scheduled to begin their studies in September, we encourage you to carry on your education path as planned in consultation with your Athletics Department.


Why not just play in empty gymnasiums and similar facilities like professional sports are doing?

Most professional sports leagues are not using their own facilities either, but are instead creating a hub city where their teams will be housed and play over the course of multiple months. The public health and safety restrictions in these areas are also very different than what is currently in effect in the Province of Ontario. Additionally, the OCAA does not have access to the same level and scale of facilities, medical staff and health care support, testing rigour, financial models and other factors affecting professional sports which may allow them to return to competition at this time.


I am a student-athlete; can we still train in-person as a team?

No. Currently all Niagara College Athletics outdoor and indoor facilities remain closed until further notice. Decisions on return to in-person training for student-athletes will be made based on the health and safety protocols established by Niagara College, in accordance with public health. 


How will varsity athletics assist in the recovery of student life?

Once it is deemed safe for campuses to re-open with limited restrictions, the return of varsity athletics will be a significant contributor to the re-engagement of not only the student body, but also staff and the general campus community. The platform of varsity athletics generates opportunities for students to become engaged in a highly socialized facet of student life, connect with others, and develop a sense of pride and belonging to their college or university. We are looking forward to the day when we can return to our full varsity schedule and resume contributing to student life across the province in this meaningful way.